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Oldest known terrestrial rock
Nuvvuagittuq, Ujaraaluk unit
Amphibolite : 4.388Ga (+15/-17Ma)
Science, Vol 321, pages 1828-1831, 26 september 2008
Formation age and metamorphic history of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt. O'Neil, J., Carlson, R. W., Paquette, J.-L. & Francis, D. in Precambrian Res. 220-221, 23–44 (2012)

Slice - 2.14g - 107$
Slice - 2.14g - 103$
Slice - 2.00g - SOLD

Slice - 2.18g - SOLD

Slice - 1.87g - Sold
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